18 U.S.C 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement

All models were at least 18 years old when they were photographed.

In compliance with the Federal Labeling and Record-Keeping Law (also known as 18 U.S.C. 2257), all models located within our domain were 18 years of age or older during the time of photography. All models' proof of age is held by the custodian of records, which is listed below, organized by producer. All content and images are in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations.

All models, actors, actresses and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual or simulated sexual conduct appearing or otherwise contained in BakerStreet Limited owned member sites were over the age of eighteen (18) years at the time of the creation of such depictions.

Some of the aforementioned depictions appearing or otherwise contained in or at BakerStreet Limited owned member sites contain only visual depictions of actual sexually explicit conduct made before July 3, 1995, and, as such, are exempt from the requirements set forth in 18 U.S.C. '2257 and C.F.R. 75.

With regard to the remaining depictions of actual sexual conduct appearing or otherwise contained in or at BakerStreet Limited owned member sites, the records required pursuant to 18 U.S.C. '2257 and C.F.R. 75 are kept by one of the custodian of records listed below.

The operators of this web site are not the primary producer (as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. section 2257) of any of the visual content contained within. The original records are kept by the following Custodian of Records:

RRH August Holding Corporation
425 Mapleway Unit D
Safety Harbor, FL 34695

WebConexus Intermedia Limited,
2019 Edgely Road
Levittown, PA 19057

D. Blum
6415 des Écores, 3rd Floor,
Montreal (Quebec)
H2G 2J6 Canada

Lantos Jozsef,
Budapest 1024,
Lovohaz u. 17
Tel.: +36 (30) 535-6352

Michael J. Colona, Esq.
c/o The Stokely Group
4387 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63108

B. Willis
Office 106, Gainsborough House,
109 Portland Street,
Manchester, M1 6DN

S. Zingerman
21817 Plummer St. Suite C
Chatsworth, CA 91311

Pascal Morvillez
24 rue de derriere la Montagne

S. Oakley, Custodian of Records
106 S. Orlando Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Shots Video BV
Nijverheidsweg 1C
NL-6651 KS Druten
The Netherlands

Eco Do Brasil LTDA
Rua Umberto Corradi 58
V. Gomes Cardim
CEP. 03319-090, Sao Paulo

R. Ivey
972 Pinelli St.
Orlando, FL 32803

Vuk Popovic
Bulevar VJ 4
35230, Cuprija

Steven Brewer
Freshwave Limited
4 Fawns Manor Road
Feltham,Middlesex, TW14 8EL

Video 10
B.Mason 7065 Lexington Ave.,
West Hollywood
Ca 90038

G.Szabo, Inferno Films
7650 Gloria Ave.
Van Nuys
CA 91406